
Fascinated by the history of the dwarves and always fond of fantasy, I ventured into this audiobook. I must admit that, although at the beginning there must be a little attention to place each name on the right character, the story takes off in an interesting and unexpected way.
Carlo Valli does a great job as a storyteller.


Non vedo l’ora che esca il prossimo. Se ci fosse stata la possibilità di metter più stelle l’avrei messe.


A story with the right dose of mystery, characters to become attached to after a few lines, a vast and fascinating setting, which innovates the tradition of the most classic fantasy, creating a new world to be discovered, talking to us about universal values ​​that never as in this moment. you have to share. All that remains is to wait for the second book.


this book was amazing. a compelling story full of emotions and with a fresh tone. I really like the writer’s style and the care with which this book has been written is evident in the most complete form. the settings and characters are finely described. I would also see a movie well, the setting is wonderful. in my opinion it is also suitable for children. finally, Carlo Valli’s narrator captures you and transports you completely into the story. I have also read the book and look forward to the second volume.


Una bella storia fantasy, dal respiro classico e dalle influenze scientifiche, che acquisisce più valore per la cura con cui è proposta, tra splendide musiche, effetti sonori mai invasivi e soprattutto la magnificenza della voce di Carlo Valli, il nonno leggi-storie che tutti noi vorremmo ascoltare accanto al camino.
Prodotti come questo, che vogliono esplorare più a fondo le potenzialità del mezzo, danno lustro e vita al mondo degli audiolibri; l’auspicio è che altri editori seguano l’esempio.

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